Rebel Mayhem Inc Arm, lvl2

shielded tank


Bulldog cannon
Bulldog cannon





Note: Previous version here.


Buildpic: Overall perfection... Btw, am I the only one to see the Swedish theme on the color settings of that pic? I\'m sure Hamb0 did it on purpose ^_^

Buildpic: 10


Model: The body is slightly smaller now, but I'd like it to be a bit thinner, not so fatso as it is right now. The face count is acceptable and there are no really unseen faces left [edit: yes there are. Four textures on underside of the tracks. Forgot to check the most obvious places first], but the very rear lower part of the body is a bit suspicious. Not all OTA, but it ain't too alien either and I feel that the mixing is going along pretty well. The barrels could be a bit larger (fatter) though, to support the power that they actually emit [3.5]. The texturing has been improved since last time, especially the dark logo color problem that resided before, but where positive changes have been made, a couple new have erupted from nowhere. First of all, if I didn't state it in my previous review [edit: I didn't], this unit got quite a problem in team color abusing. I'm all for the texxing on the tracks and on those two things on the back, but the turret disturbs me a bit. Especially the spot where the barrels stick out from. The Arm logo just don't fit there at all. Further, you should change the yellow face on the sides of the... hmm... trackholder (is that a proper name) since it don't fit there at all and makes the overabuse of logos even worse (since I play with yellow color). There is a hint of CD:3D on the model sides, but it lacks a full-scale use [4]. The corpse's previously somewhat damaged dignity have now been somewhat restored with the new texturing [1].

Model: 8.5


Script: Brilliant… I’d feel bad if I didn’t give away a full 10 here. The shield activation/deactivation is magnificent (ass all other shield animation too). I did never notice that there were an extra weapon in the game, just the main started firing faster. In every single way, this script is perfect. They said there was a bug in this. I never noticed...

Script: 10


BalanceSince this unit was one of my first "clients" I really messed up some things and with my current harsh reviewing tactics, it would brobably get a lower score, but changes have been made and I take the entire thing from the start. This unit costs 70% more than the Arm Bulldog. For that costs, the rebellious Rebel can be set to have double firepower, but is then equipped with less armor than one single Bulldog. While shielded, it is equal in barreling to one Bulldoggy, but have doubled armor. It is a fairly expected loose/loose case on both sides on the on/off button (that fortunately are equal in a interesting sort of way) that should be balanced out by the fact that you can switch beween the states. However, even with the switch enabled, this unit remains a bit too underpowerful and the fact that the dog of the bulls moves a fraction faster and is equipped with enchanced turning ability doesen't really make things better. This actually shows that the Rebel was in fact worth a full ten in the old review, but is in this version unfortunately disgraced with even lower score than the relatively unfair pre-judgement said. To get your full ten points you should consider to lower the metal costs back to the level you set in the original version while bumping the armor cost back and past the old setup to about 2300 and keeping all other stats untouched.

Balance: 9


My score: Well, since I liked the unit before and it has been (mostly) improved now. Can it be better? Just so you know, the Rebel is a VIP resident in my /totala folder and I admit that Mayhem occupies most apartements there.

My score: 10


Total score: 9.3


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