Vampiro C.A.N.A.D.A. Core, lvl2

bloodthirsty fighter


[ Old values within brackets ]

Energy    9985 Weapon1    "shadow missile"
Metal    945 Range    750
Armor    410 [ 610 ] Damage/sec    40 [ 77.5 ]
Buildtime    28698    
Maxvelocity    16 [ 18 ] Weapon2    "shadow missile"
Turnrate    1000 Range    750


Amphibious and stealth


40 [ 77.5 ]

    Weapon3    AA "shadow missile"
    Range    750


28.8 [ 77.5 ]





Revision: Read the complete review of the old version here. Also, I've forgotten to include that this unit also have two specialities: Landing in water and stealth approach (not shown on the radar, that is).



Buildpic: The unit looks nice and those little light on every tentacle looks cool. Full point here, no doubt [4]. The background is.. well.. it is a heaven and there is not much else there could be, so it would be unfair if you didn't get full point here either [3]. And of course, the merging... there is none, but it looks good anyway ; ) [3].

Buildpic: 10


Model: Very interesting and new design here. Definitely not TA:ish but very cool anyway. The model, however is a bit too large in-game and it got too many faces, but the design is as I said nice so the score is pushed up to 3.5. The texturing is nice too with the perfect color choice for such a name. The logos are also very good placed, but the backdraw is that the creators did use some different textures, but didn't remember which textures they used and so the users are forced to make a 1.5Mb download. No problem for cable connection, of course, but we suckers with bad modems have less fun. Anyway, the texturing is good [5]. There is no corpse, but aircrafts shouldn't have any either.

Model: 9.5


Script: Standard wing-folding.

Script: Not counted


Balance: The armor and weapon damage were decreased. The queston is: Is that enough? The answer is actually yes, and a wery brigt one too. The damage is now perfect for such unit compared to the Vamp/Hawk, there is just a little tweak that it still got a bit too much armor. Me thanks and bows for the exellent author responce.

Balance: 9


My score: I like the design and I can alter some settings myself, so I suppose this one is here to stay. Much more now, when the unit is properly balanced. And oh, damn good sounds. Nice work, guys (thumbs up). And oh, remember to alter the readme file that currently have some misleading information.

My score: 10


Total Score: 9.3